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Nerd- A nerd is someone that is very smart. Just another word for someone being jealous of you intellect. Geek- A geek is someone who has an obsession over a certain subject (e.g. Star Wars), someone who plays Video Games or electronics all the time. Dork- A dork is basicaly the worst of the three. A dork is someone who is considered "unattractive" and wears unfashionable clothing and is not popular, or someone who writes in a diary.

But actually being a nerd or a geek or a dork is wrong. So, try not to be either one of them.

yes being a nerd or a geek or a dork is REALLY WRONG!!! WRONG I TELL U HAHAHAHAHAHa

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12y ago

A NERD is someone who is incredibly smart, and mainly interested/does well in math and science. This can actually a complement depending on who you are.

A GEEK is someone who is very smart, and mainly interested/does well in sci-fi and technology. This can be a complement to some people too.

A DORK is someone who is not very bright or attractive. This is an insult.

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dumbo, geek, nerd, clutz, freak, yeah, unless u mean the other kind of dork? >.<

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to answer your question yes a dork and a nerd are the same thing . the only difference is that a dork is usually a girl and a nerd can be a girl or a boy.

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Geek. Dork. Loser. Smarty Pants. Know It All.

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I am kinda a nerd and I honestly think MEGA NERD will win as it will hack into the cyber geek's software and ultimately destroy it.