Discrete component circuitry is bulkier than ICs because more packaging is involved.
A discrete component is one where the package contains only one circuit element. The opposite is an "integrated circuit" (aka a "silicon chip" or "chip") where a package contains many circuit elements. It's not that "discrete" is a type of resistor, it's that a resistor is a type of discrete component.
A cicuit board is a board made of plastic and metal interconnections where the various electronic devices are assembled in discrete form to make up the circuit.In an integrated circuit a semiconductor chip is so processed such that the various electronic devices and components are directly grown on it.
Operational amplifiers are usually bought as an i.c., but they may be constructed with discrete compenents too. By the way, since i.c. means integrated circuit, your "ic circuit" reads as "integrated circuit circuit".
Operational amplifiers are usually bought as an i.c., but they may be constructed with discrete compenents too. By the way, since i.c. means integrated circuit, your "ic circuit" reads as "integrated circuit circuit".
An opamp is a circuit of many components. It may either be built of many discrete components or be a single integrated component.
The 555 is a timer integrated circuit. The 741 is an operational amplifier (op amp) integrated circuit. Both are some of the most popular 8 pin integrated circuits ever produced.
Read out integrated circuit refers to integrated circuit specifically used for reading detectors of a particular type. These are used in detectors where the sensitivity is very low and using a discrete circuit may not be useful as noise may be large enough to cover up whole signal.
Basically an analog circuit is any circuit which uses the voltage (or current) level to deliver information (say.. a sine wave or an audio output). In contrast a digital circuit would only use a high and a low voltages (square wave, binary data transfer etc). Discrete circuits are circuits only using basic components (resistors, transistors, capacitors etc) instead of integrated circuit packages. A lot of discrete circuits are analog but they don't have to be. And a lot of ICs are digital but they don't have to be...
The 54 series are military specification versions with a greater operating temperature range.
Integrated circuit also called as chips or microchips is a miniaturized electronic circuit made in a thin substrate of semiconductor materials. It consists mainly of semiconductors and passive components of the circuit.
That will depend on the integrated circuit.
Many inventions did, too many to list. However the two most important were probably the discrete transistor and the integrated circuit.