GS race suits have padding which makes them last longer and can be safer for the person using them, while DH race suits do not have padding.
There is a pice difference by about $40 dollars. I would chose GS for many more reasons too.
In competitive ski racing you cant win without a racing suit/speed suit/dh suit.. ..whatever you prefer to call it. Aerodynamics and wind resistance have an intimate relationship as the speeds get faster. The faster you are the more important it is to wear a suit. On a 30 sec GS expect to save a sec or more depending how fast the coarse is.(compared to wearing your warm up gear bf stripping down). On a faster super G or DH coarse you will gain more than this. Test it for yourself. Run at least 12 times alternating your race vs warm ups. Britt Stevens Big Bear Huntsville (on face book)
ya gitu dh
No. Both leagues use the same rules on everything except for the DH (Designated Hitter). The AL uses a DH, the NL does not. Pitchers mound to home plate is 60 feet 6 inches in both leagues.
The FP is the flex player, this is the person who is in the line up and is playing of the field but does not bat. The DH (which has been changed to DP-designated player) is the designated hitter. This is the person who is in the line up and bats but does not play in the field. Not every team uses this. It is just an option. And you can only have on FP and DP in a game.
no... the only difference between American and national league is that there is a DH in the roster for American league and the pitcher doesnt bat in American league... other than that it is exactly the same
The Norco team DH is better
Once the DH moves to a defensive position the DH is no longer allowed in the lineup. In that case, the pitcher would assume the position in the batting order of the defensive player replaced by the DH.
When their is a AL team is the home there is a dh. When a NL team is the home team there is no dh.
A DH bike is heavier, stronger, has a slacker steering angle and plusher suspension. The XC bike is lighter, more responsive, weaker and has less travel in its suspension.
In MLB, games between two American League teams always use the DH and games between two National League teams do not use the DH. When a team from the American League is playing a team from the National League, the rules used are those of the home team's league. If the home team is an American League team, the DH is used. If the home team is a National League team, the DH is not used.
your mom guff chad buff dh dh