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Disposable income is the money a consumer has left after paying taxes to use for necesities such as food housing, clothing, and transportation. Discretionary income is the money that remains after paying for taxes and necessities and is used for luxury items.

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Q: What is the difference between a consumer's disposable and discretionary income?
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What is the difference between disposable income and discretionary income?

Formulas are: Disposable income = consumption expenditure + savings - support of others; Discretionary income = Gross income - taxes - necessities. Although denotatively wrong, disposable income is commonly used to denote discretionary income.

What is the between disposable income and discretionary income?

Formulas are: Disposable income = consumption expenditure + savings - support of others; Discretionary income = Gross income - taxes - necessities. Although denotatively wrong, disposable income is commonly used to denote discretionary income.

What is the different between disposable income and discretionary income?

Formulas are: Disposable income = consumption expenditure + savings - support of others; Discretionary income = Gross income - taxes - necessities. Although denotatively wrong, disposable income is commonly used to denote discretionary income.

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Discretionary fiscal policies are those that are enacted in response to a need, for example, a tax cut. Non-discretionary fiscal policies are those that happen regardless of conditions or need, for example, the welfare system.

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Im guessing you mean the difference between producers and consumers. Producers make a product or give a service, and consumers purchase, a service or product.

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Discretionary user lay between expert and novice users

How much is the cost diffrence between disposable and permanent?

There is not a big purshase cost difference depending on the brand but you will save money in the long run with a non-disposable.

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