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Reflex reaction: It is something your body does in response. For example if you see a truck coming towards you, you run . you personally have no control over the reaction . its something your body does wheter you think about it or not :)

concsious control reactions: e.g. someone says hi to you you say hi back or someone goes for a hi 5 you go back : )

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Q: What is the difference between a conscious reaction and a reflex reaction?
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What is the difference between a reflex and a voluntary muscle?

The difference between a reflex and a voluntary muscle is simply that a reflex is autonomic response to a stimulus thus making it involuntary. This in direct contradiction to a voluntary muscle movement with is done by making the conscious decision to do so.

What is the difference between conscious action and reflex action?

Conscious action is a voluntary action that is controlled by the brain and involves awareness and decision-making, such as raising your hand. Reflex action is an involuntary action that is controlled by the spinal cord and occurs without conscious thought, such as quickly pulling your hand away from a hot surface.

Difference between conscious action and reflex action?

Conscious action is a voluntary action that is initiated and controlled by our conscious thoughts and decisions, while reflex action is an involuntary and automatic response to a stimulus that involves a specific neural pathway without requiring conscious thought. Conscious actions are typically intentional and involve higher levels of cognitive processing, whereas reflex actions are rapid and predictable responses designed to protect the body from harm.

What is the difference between a reflex and a feedback mechanism?

The difference between a reflex and a feedback mechanism is that the former is done without action by the brain but the latter is consciously done with feedback from the brain. A reflex is the reaction to external stimuli. Feedback to the brain can be given due to external or internal (within the body) reason.

What is the difference in a voluntary and involuntary response?

A voluntary response is under conscious control, meaning you can choose whether or not to perform the action. An involuntary response is not under conscious control and occurs automatically, such as a reflex or a reaction controlled by the autonomic nervous system.

What is the difference between reflex action and walking?

Reflex action is an involuntary, quick response to a stimulus by the body, while walking is a voluntary, coordinated movement involving multiple muscles and joints to move the body from one place to another. Walking requires conscious control and coordination of the muscles, whereas reflex actions do not involve conscious thought.

Why is there a difference between the reflex and reaction times?

A reflex is an involuntary response to an external stimulus, usually to protect the body. A reflex is much faster than a reaction. A reaction is a voluntary response to an external stimulus, and can be trained to become faster through regular practice. An example of a reflex is when the tendon below the kneecap is gently tapped. This causes the leg to kick slightly forward. This reflex is involuntary. An example of a reaction is a hockey goalie catching a hockey puck. This reaction is voluntary.

Define reflex action?

A reflex action is an involuntary or automatic response to a stimulus, usually to protect the body from harm. It does not involve conscious thought and typically involves a specific neural pathway. Examples include the knee-jerk reflex and withdrawing your hand from a hot surface.

What is the Difference between reflexes and reactions?

Reaction is a feeling or action in response to something that has happened. Reactions can be spontaneous, but most are under conscious control. A reflex is a physical non-conscious action. A doctor uses a rubber hammer and taps a certain spot on the knee, ankle, elbow, or wrist and the body part further away (distal to the hammer strike) responds in reflexive movement (a jerking motion forward or up).

What is the difference between call of duty 4 reflex edition and standard?

their is no frickin difference

What is the difference between modenr warfare and modern warfare reflex?

reflex is for wii, original is for 360, ps3, and PC

What is a difference between reflex and voluntary action?

The difference between reflex and voluntary action is that a reflex occurs naturally in response to some sort of stimulus and voluntary action is something that is consciously carried out. An example of a reflex action is gagging and an example of voluntary action is flinching when someone is going to hit you.