The CLT has a rear side mount provision on the low clutch housing. The HT does not.
For a oil change including spin on filter between 16 and 20 quarts.
A CVT transmission is a type of automatic transmission. It can provide any ratio between its minimum and maximum limits.
It looks like 2005 was a transition year between the 4L80E and Allison 1000 with 6.0 engine. Sounds like 4L80E was typical, but easily upgraded to Allison at time of ordering, but also depending on packages and equipment. If it has an external filter it is the Allison, otherwise it is 4L80E version.
Synaptic transmission is chemical, while nerve impulse or axonal transmission is electrical.
Right now, it seems like a toss up between the Volvo I-Shift and the Allison TC10.
yes alot
v cv
the only thing that would be diffrent is the overdrive.
Nothing. It's shared.
Crankcase or motor oil is thicker than transmission oil. That's one difference, there may be more (other than color)
the difference is transmission occur in same medium,but refraction occurs whn 2 medias are there,its actually bending of light at interface of 2 medias