Diamond is another name for rhombus.
the shape
A rhombus has 4 sides of equal length and may be crooked and a rectangle must have four 90 [[Q/Whats the difference between a rectangle and a rhombus#|degree]] angles. A square is both a rectangle and a rhombus.
A rhombus is a two dimensional object, a rhomboid is 3 dimensional. The relation between the two is the same as that between a square and a cube.
Rhombuses always have 4 equal sides, trapezoids do not.
Diamond is another name for rhombus.
A rhombus is a quadrilateral, meaning it has 4 sides.
the shape
All 4 sides of a rhombus must be equal, otherwise it's not a rhombus.
They both have 4 sides but the rhombus sides are equal in length
the shape
A rhombus is an irregular quadrilateral and so, to that extent there is no difference. However, a rhombus does have sides of equal length which is not true of all irregular quadrilaterals.
A rhombus has 4 sides of equal length and may be crooked and a rectangle must have four 90 [[Q/Whats the difference between a rectangle and a rhombus#|degree]] angles. A square is both a rectangle and a rhombus.
No. A rhombus has four equal straight sides. A circle has no straight parts.
A rhombus is a kind of parallelogram. All four of its sides are of the same length.
a rhombus has all equal sides but a parallelagram only has two equal sides.
A diamond is not technically a mathematical shape whereas a rhombus is. Other than that i don't know of any other difference.