the difference between channel and medium is that channel is the form how the message will be while medium is the actual message
a sender puts a message in words and transmits it to a receiver who interprets the message. The medium the sender chooses to transmit the message is called the communication channel.
The channel is the mode or medium through which comprehensible information is transferred from the sender to the receiver. It could be a visual channel for a written message or an auditory channel for a spoken message, for example.
commonest medium of communication
appropriate choice of communication channel (medium) contributes significantly, along with the words, to the success of a message. Appropriate choice helps senders communicate clearly
Medium serves as the Means of Communication, while Channel refers to the Means of Transmission of the message between a sender and a receiver (or audience). A Sender conveys his/her Message to the Receiver By some medium (i.e. written, oral or verbal medium), Over some channel (i.e. electronic means, printed media or air).Hence, Medium is a broader term including appropriate channel to succeed Communication.
the ability of the medium to convey the meaning
Medium that connects two devices with directly between them and enable communication between them without any interruption.Can compare with Multidrop channels where multiple devices can communicate using a single channel.
A message medium channel is the platform or method used to convey a message. This can include email, text messaging, phone calls, social media platforms, or face-to-face communication. Selecting the appropriate channel is important for effective communication.
a sender puts a message in words and transmits it to a receiver who interprets the message. The medium the sender chooses to transmit the message is called the communication channel.
Medium: A means of verbal or non-verbal communication. Examples include text ads, video ads, and radio ads. channel: a mechanism of transmission or distribution. Examples include the display, social media, and TV advertising.
The channel is the mode or medium through which comprehensible information is transferred from the sender to the receiver. It could be a visual channel for a written message or an auditory channel for a spoken message, for example.
"Medium" refers to a specific means or channel used for communication or expression, such as painting, writing, or radio. "Media" is the plural form of "medium" and typically refers to the various means of mass communication, such as newspapers, television, and the internet.
The source is the origin of the communication. The message is the content that is to be exchanged. The channel is the medium used to convey the message. The receiver is the destination of the message.
dispersion medium is contained