A budget is how much money you have to spend on certain items. For example a family person can say I am not going to spend over $40 on groceries this month. If the head of household went over $40, then he/she went over their budget.
An account is how much money you have in a bank to pay bills.
Budget is pre-facto and P&L is post-facto. Budget can be defined as projected Income/P&L statement.
Account Balance
is a plan for a single level of production, whereas a flexible budget can be converted to any level of production.
The Account balance.
There is no difference between them.. Their difference only is how you understood about financial budget.. :)
Budget is pre-facto and P&L is post-facto. Budget can be defined as projected Income/P&L statement.
what is difference between a current account and a cheque account
iiiustrate by means of a diagram the budget planning process show clearly the difference between a functional budget and a financial budget
A budget "variance" is the difference between planned and actual performance.
A budget "variance" is the difference between planned and actual performance.
what is the difference and similarity between cash budget and long term financial planning
They are the same.
Account Balance
is a plan for a single level of production, whereas a flexible budget can be converted to any level of production.