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the braid is made of flour milk and shortenings the plait is use so you can eat your food with the spoon and fork XD
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No, a plait and a Dutch braid are not the same. A plait is a simple three-strand braid, while a Dutch braid is a variation of the French braid where the hair is braided under instead of over.
The homophone for plate is 'plait', which means to braid or twist hair.
She decided to plait her hair into a French braid for a stylish look.
I'm not very sure. but it's a simple plait (braid)
Braiding ;; to weave together strips or strands of; plait: to braid the hair.-LaCheyenne. . .
Probably a fishtail braid/plait, a french braid, or a waterfall braid.
s'il VOUS plait is a polite form of saying please s'il TE plait is what you use with friends
I was entranced, watching the girl plait her friend's hair.
There is no reason not to plait or braid an Arabians mane unless it is against show or association rules. However many Arabians with longer fuller manes look good in a running or french braid.
To change the tension in a plait, you can hold the strands tighter or looser as you braid. If you want a tighter plait, pull the strands firmly. For a looser plait, maintain a lighter grip. Practice will help you find the right balance to achieve the desired tension in your plait.
Although the words plate and plait are pronounced the same, their meanings are entirely different and unrelated. A plate is a solid object, often a dish used to serve food; it can be an armor plate which is a heavy structure that deflects bullets or other forms of attack. To plait is to braid, to form into a woven structure, usually done with hair.
it depends on what hairstyles you are doing eg: poofing your fringe is called a quiff. a braid is a plait