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Im pretty sure its just opposite colours of normal parakeets.

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Q: What is the difference between a blue and fancy parakeet?
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What is the color of a boy parakeet?

A male parakeet has a blue nose above its beak.

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Are the green parakeet and the blue parakeet the same?

basicly except 4 the fact they are different colors.

What is the difference between male and female bourkes parakeet?

Generally, a male Bourke's parakeet has a blue forehead and the female lacks the blue coloring. Males are also larger than females.

What is the difference between a male and female parakeet?

This cannot be answered simply, because there is actually no specific breed of bird called a "parakeet". The term "parakeet" is a generalised term to cover numerous species of smaller, long-tailed parrots, specifically budgies, lorikeets or cockatiels. If you are really talking about budgies, which is the bird most commonly referred to in the States as a "parakeet", then a mature male tends to have a deep blue cere, which is the waxy bit above the beak where the bird's nostrils are. Males only develop this blue as they mature towards repreoductive age. Females have a white cere but, when they are in breeding season, it deepens in colour to brown.

When I got my parakeet from petsmart they said it was a boy but now the cere pinky blue is my parakeet a boy or a girl?

a boy.

What is a blue fancy rat?

This is a blue fancy rat:

Can a female parakeet nose turn blue?

I don't think so. I read that adult female parakeets noses are brown and that adult male parakeets noses are blue. But, young female parakeet's noses are "bluish" and a young male parakeet's nose is pink.

What kind of parakeet is it if its white and yellow?

white with some blue

What does it mean when a parakeet's face turn pink?

if your parakeet has a pink nose, that means it is still a baby, adult parakeets have a blue or brown nose, depending on the gender.

What is the difference between dark blue and navy blue colours?

The spelling