The difference between a biological parent and an adoptive parent is that the biological parent is the one who is related to the child by blood and the adoptive parent is the one that raised the child.
No, step parents are parents who live with the other parent, married or not, and who is not your biological parent or foster parent. An adoptive parent is your full parent, just like a biological one. You will inherit them and carry their name.
Everyone who is not the biological parent or adoptive parent.
None, as both are usually biological parents.
No, any contact between the child and anyone else is entirely up to the adoptive parents even if it is the biological parent.
If you are adopted, your biological father has no legal standing. And there is no requirement that any parent sign a wedding certificate. If you are underage, you may need signatures to obtain the marriage license and it would be the adoptive parent that would have to sign.
Adoptive parent. Once a child has been adopted, his adoptive parents are his parents, period. It is as though he had been born to them. He no longer has ANY legal relationship to his birth parents; he has no claim on them nor they on him.
The issues a single adoptive parent may run into is financial and child care problems. There is also the issue of not being available all the time. These issues apply to biological and adoptive parents.
An adoptive father is your legal guardian and is your father. A step father is a man who marries your mother. He does not have to adopt you and cannot unless your biological father agrees to give up his rights as a parent.
Whether the biological parent are allowed to see their child or not is entirely up to the parents and with that I mean the adoptive parents who now are the guardians of the child.
A birth father is a genetic father of a child, as opposed to an adoptive father or stepfather.
Apparently, from what I have investigated, it appears to be adoptive parent, regardless if there has been any formal paperwork filled out.
No. Miss America contestants have to swear that they're unmarried, not pregnant, and not the adoptive or biological parent of a child.