The 9x19mm NATO is a variant of the Parabellum round. It's firing pressure is simply a little bit higher (about 2,000 PSI higher).
The 7.62 NATO round is bigger that the 5.56 NATO round
Their is no NATO M4. NATO countries that use the M4 either contract the purchase or license the production.
Shank (.223 Remington) - 0.4370 / (NATO 5.56) - 0.4370 / (Difference) - 0.0000 Base Diameter (.223 Remington) - 0.3760 / (NATO 5.56) - 0.3780 / (Difference) - 0.0020 Shoulder Diameter (.223 Remington) - 0.3553 / (NATO 5.56) - 0.3560 / (Difference) - 0.0007 Neck-2 (.223 Remington) - 0.2550 / (NATO 5.56) - 0.2550 / (Difference) - 0.0000 Neck-2/Case Mouth (.223 Remington) - 0.2540 / (NATO 5.56) - 0.2550 / (Difference) - 0.0010 Freebore Diameter (.223 Remington) - 0.2245 / (NATO 5.56) - 0.2270 / (Difference) - 0.0025 Pilot Diameter (.223 Remington) - 0.2180 / (NATO 5.56) - 0.2180 / (Difference) - 0.0000 Base-to-Case Mouth (.223 Remington) - 1.7720 / (NATO 5.56) - 1.7750 / (Difference) - 0.0030 Base-to-Shoulder (.223 Remington) - 1.2340 / (NATO 5.56) - 1.2380 / (Difference) - 0.0040 Neck Length (.223 Remington) - 0.2200 / (NATO 5.56) - 0.2180 / (Difference) - -0.0020 Freebore Length (.223 Remington) - 0.0250 / (NATO 5.56) - 0.0500 / (Difference) - 0.0250 Rim/Belt Thickness (.223 Remington) - 0.2000 / (NATO 5.56) - 0.2000 / (Difference) - 0.0000 Shoulder Angle (Degrees) (.223 Remington) - 23.0 / (NATO 5.56) - 23.0 / (Difference) - 0.0 Throat Angle (Degrees) (.223 Remington) - 3.1 / (NATO 5.56) - 2.5 / (Difference) - -0.6
5.56mm x 45mm (5.56 is the diameter of the buller, 45mm is the length of the brass casing). NATO implies that this is THE 5.56mm round used by NATO forces. Similar to 7.62mm x 51mm NATO is the standard .30 caliber round use by NATO forces.
The aug fires a 5.56 nato round.
The 5.56 NATO round is a tad longer, about 0.4mm longer; but that has nothing to do with why you shouldn't intercnahge them. You shouldn't mix them because a 5.56 NATO chamber has a longer leade (cartrige mouth to rifleing engagement), a .223 chamber has a shorter leade. Shooting .223 out of a 5.56 chamber will not lead to any problems other than less-than-stellar acuracy, however, usind 5.56 in a .223 chamber WILL lead to premature wear out of the chamber and parts.
It uses a 9x19mm Parrabullum NATO round, which is the standard round for most pistols and submachine guns made by countries in NATO.
it fires a 5.56 by 51 milimeter standard NATO round. no... the m-16 and m4 are 5.56 x 45 NATO. 5.56 x 51 doesnt exist. its a 7.62 x 51 NATO round that an m-14 fires.
None to really speak of. They are, for the most part, one and the same. The 9mm NATO is merely a variant of the 9mm Luger loaded for military specifications.
7.62x51mm nato