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Q: What is the difference between Upper Canada and Lower Canada rebellion?
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When did the lower Canada rebellion end?


How did the Lower Canada Rebellion end?

The rebellion of lower Canada ended when upper & lower cananda became one due to the government wanting one country not two halves.

Who led the rebellion in lower Canada?

John Colborne,

Who were the leaders while the rebellion in lower Canada?

Steven Harper

What four factors contributed to the failure of the rebellion of Lower Canada?

The rebellion in Lower Canada failed because the command structure was flawed with no individual to command the troops. The communication was very bad between the troops. Armour couldn't get off the beach, and the point of attack was chosen incorrectly.

Who was the Rebellion of 1837 with?

Canada, upper and lower after frustrations with political reform.

Were the uper and lower Canada rebellion against or with each other?

They were against each other

What caused upper Canada rebellion?

the rebellions happened because of the rebellions in lower Canada and they wanted a change in their government as well

Who won the Rebellion of 1837-1838 in lower Canada?

timber trade, transportation Also it had to do with the government Edit********* The rebellion in Lower Canada happened because the merchants and people with money, who owned land were the only ones aloud to vote, while the farmers and lower class people with no land were not aloud.ys i agree but how did it involve transportation......

What were the long-term results of the rebellion in lower Canada in 1837?

What were the long-term results of the war?

What was the effects of the rebellions in 1837-1838 in Upper and Lower Canada?

I don't know. This is the answer I was looking for, and that I've been looking for 1 hour now. Without the answer, I can't finish my history project, because we can't start unless we prove what we know. ====================================================================== Albert Einstein once said, "The formulation of a problem is often more essential than its solution." He is quoted as having said that if he had one hour to save the world he would spend fifty-five minutes defining the problem and only five minutes finding the solution. In other words, you have to figure out exactly what the problem is before you can begin to solve it. Your question asks about a "rebellion of 1837 between upper and lower Canada" and whether it is still affecting us. There was no rebellion "between" Upper Canada and Lower Canada. There was a rebellion in Upper Canada. There was a much more serious rebellion in Lower Canada. They happened around the same period of time. But it was not Upper Canada versus Lower Canada. You can search for an answer to your question until the cows come home, but you will not find one. You haven't asked the right question.

What were Mackenzie's reasons for calling for rebellion in Upper Canada?

A bad year for crops led to a recession, and in the following years, the banks had begun to tighten credit and recall loans, so when Mackenzie heard of the lower Canada rebellion he decided to start his own rebellion.