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Organic standards have long been used to create an agreement within organic agriculture about what an "organic" claim on a product means, and to some extent, to inform consumers.

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Q: What is the difference between Standards and certification in Organic produciton?
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What is organic farming certification?

Compliance with standards set by the government is the meaning of organic farming certification. The compliance references cultivation of animals and plants in accordance with developmental, marketing, and selling requirements. It requires local, non-genetically modified, non-synthetic, on-site inputs and procedures.

What is the difference between certified organic and organic compliant?

In the United States, the Department of Agriculture considers products organic if they are made with [1] 100% organic ingredients, [2] at least 95% organic ingredients, or [3] at least 70% organic ingredients. The remaining ingredients - 5% and 30%, respectively, for cases [2] and [3] - must meet strict requirements, such as absence of genetically modified organisms. Cases [1] and [2] can move from organic compliant to certified organic status. For the minimum organic content must be 95%, to be eligible to go through the certification process. Cases [1] and [2] become certified organic if they have been verified, inspected, and certified as having been produced according to US national organic standards. Verification, inspection, and certification are carried out by private or state organizations that have been USDA-accredited. With certification, case [1] and [2] products can carry the USDA organic seal.

What organic agency certified Domino organic sugar?

Quality Assurance International is the organic agency that certifies Domino organic sugar. The product in question results from incorporation of certified organic sugarcane and production compliant with United States Department of Agricultural National Organic Program standards. QAI serves as a U.S.-based USDA-accredited international organic certification company headquartered in San Diego, California.

What type of seeds are used in organic farming?

It really depends upon the standards the farmer is being graded on. Some certification companies allow the use of any type of seed and others that are more strict allow only certified organic seeds to be used.

What is the difference between foods labeled organic and those labled certified organic?

Although the new label designates only certified organic foods, the use of the term "organic," with or without the label, implies adherence to government standards. Although very small farms (those which gross less than $5,000) are exempt from the certification requirement, they are not exempt from the regulations and are subject to inspection or other methods of enforcement. For practical purposes, there is no qualitative difference between the terms "certified organic" and "organic." Certified organic (bearing the USDA logo) indicates only that the grower or processor has submitted to official oversight by a certifying agent . Using the term organic alone still subjects the grower to government regulation, but without official oversight. Since only the smallest farms are exempt from certification, the majority of organic food consumers see will at least have the potential to be certified. In practice, many small farms which are eligible to apply for certification, but lack sufficient resources, may choose not to undergo the detailed and costly certification process. Although fifteen states do offer a cost-sharing program, which helps smaller farmers offset certification costs, the reality is that much of the organic food consumers see will likely be uncertified. Consumers who are more comfortable with government oversight will be more apt to choose products that are certified, but those who prefer to buy from small farms can still be assured of USDA oversight. You might also want to note that each certification process has different rules on what is considered organic. This is a big issue in the food business, as companies try to push different things, such as genetically modified ingredients, into the certifications.

How do you receive organic certification for produce?

Completion of required paperwork, compliance with cultivation and marketing standards, and co-operation with on-site inspections are ways that result in cultivators receiving organic certification for produce. The specifics depend upon the country that hosts the particular cultivator of organic produce. But it generally is important to show that cultivated areas are free, for a certain number of previous years (three in the United States of America), of non-organic inputs and resources and that non-chemical, non-genetically-modified, non-synthetic inputs and resources are in effect.

Which organization was created to develop national standards for organic foods?

National Organic Program

What do omri tech certifications come with?

The omri tech certification is an organic certification. By completing certification, one could be responsible for crop dusting and fertilization testing.

How long does it take to become certified organic?

In order to be considered "Certified Organic" in the United States, growers have to meet the requirements for organic growing set by the USDA and apply for certification to that agency. If certification is granted, the grower can use the USDA "Certified Organic" seal and their food is considered "certified organic." That is not to be confused with food being organic. Food can be grown organically and not be "certified organic." The only difference is that those who do not apply to the USDA cannot use the USDA "Certified Organic" seal or claim that their food is certified organic.

Do i need to apply for organic certification for my organic hand cream in Calgary?

You need to speak to an attorney in Canada that specializes in these.

What does a farmer have to do to claim his foods as organic?

A farmer can claim his foods are organic, but in order to substantiate the claim, the farmer should back up that claim in some way, either by being certified by a reliable independent certification agency or seeking organic certification from the USDA.

What are the characteristics of organic livestock products?

Absence of antibiotics and of prohibited non-synthetic and synthetic substances is the characteristic of organic livestock products in the case of the United States. Livestock that become the source of organic products must be under continuous organic management for the first year prior to milk production for dairy animals or from the last third of gestation or hatching. Cultivation, processing, and sale of the product must comply with the country's organic certification and labeling standards.