driver is d one who drives vehicles..ryder is d one who rides animals and also racers
The difference between a cold and a bus driver is a bus driver has a course to run and a cold has to run its course.
The Buck is a smaller version of the Red Ryder. The Buck fires at 275 FPS. The Red Ryder fires at 280 FPS. (Feet Per Second)
The main difference between a CD driver and a DVD driver have to do with the protocols that operated individual programs.
The difference is that a chauffeur is a driver always in a white uniform and is more experinced, while a driver is paid less and drives in ordinary clothes.
Graduate driver license has some restrictions, but the Full Driver license dosen't
Zack Ryder WWWYKI
there is really no difference except woods are like not as powerful as the driver but the woods can be hit in the fairway not the driver
The Ryder Cup is a match between Europe and USA.
The driver gear has the input torque, and the driven gear has the output torque.
Rider may sleep if he wants. Driver must remain awake at all times.
Nothing. They both make you late for work!
The Ryder Cup is played strictly between these two countries Europe and the U.s.A.