NEER Stands for Nominal Effective Exchange Rate and REER stands for Real Efective Exchange Rate.NEER is depends on GDP(GDP weighted NEER is more appropriate) and Trade values.
REER adjusts NEER by appropriate foreign price level and deflates by the home country price level.
Nominal effective exchange rate (NEER) and Real effective exchange rate (REER)
NEER is Nominal Effective Exchange Rate.It is a measure of average effective relative strengt of a currency with respect to other currencies without reducing the effect of price change
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The real effective exchange rate based on real exchange instead of nominal exchange rate in foreign currency exchange.
Nominal effective exchange rate (NEER) and Real effective exchange rate (REER)
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Reer Khalaf- reer Dhoore Hassan
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The population of Neer is 3,440.
Josh Neer's birth name is Joshua Martin Neer.
Phil Neer died in 1989.
Penny Neer was born in 1960.
Andrew Neer is 6' 2".
Josh Neer is 5' 11".
Phil Neer was born in 1901.