The only "difference" is that the case looks different than the Original case and it costs less, otherwise, the game is identical to the original game.
Games get the Title "Platinum" because it sold a certain number of them due to its popularity.
There is no difference. Platinum Edition is cheaper.
you need to migrate it from one of those original games
they release them as classic because they sell very well, like what the playstation did with the platinum selection.
The difference between it is the case and the price. A game becomes a platinum game once it hit 400k units sold I believe. The game DVD still has the same thing as a normal game DVD. Just a way for the sellers to mark down what use to be a popular game for others to buy.
ps3 slim is not as big as the original. however you cannot play ps2 games on it.
Games are not converted. You convent the PC to try and play the games. Emulation never works like the original device that the games were designed for so the major difference is that PS2 games do not play as well or prefect in a PC running PCSX2 like they do in the PS2. If your interest is in playing PS2 games buy the used console for $20 up or find one with games and accessories for $50 on ebay
Rct3 is its own game, while Platinum has the original game and both expansion packs: Rct3 Soaked, and Rct3 Wild.*EDITORS NOTE: Sorry, I had to edit this, it was hard to understand, and the grammar/spelling mistakes made me want to scream. :/
Yes, the original DS and the DS lite are 100% compatible with games. The only difference between the two is they both need different battery chargers.
There is no difference. Actually, there is no such thing as "The Hunger Games Classic".
You may link trade Kadabra to evolve it to Alakazam. However, this is not exclusive to Pokemon Platinum. These have been the evolution properties of Kadabra since the original Gameboy games.
With a 'regular' game, presumably everything you need to play it is provided in the original box. With collectible games, you can play the game using a starter set, but there are other things you can buy for it that can be used too.