Well, honey, back in the day, those old cellphones were the size of a brick and had antennas longer than your patience waiting for a text to send. Modern cellphones are sleeker than a catwalk model and can do more tricks than a circus clown. Basically, old cellphones were like dinosaurs trying to keep up with today's speedy cheetahs of technology.
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Olden day cellphones, also known as feature phones, were primarily used for making calls and sending text messages. They had limited functionality, small screens, physical keyboards, and basic internet capabilities. Modern cellphones, or smartphones, have advanced significantly with touchscreens, high-speed internet access, app stores, cameras, GPS, and powerful processors, enabling a wide range of functions beyond communication, such as multimedia consumption, gaming, productivity, and more. The key differences lie in the technological advancements, capabilities, and versatility of modern cellphones compared to their more limited predecessors.
Olden means of transports were slow and modern transports are fast.
transport difference in olden age & modern age
There's more copper in coins of today than in olden days.
there isn't a mermaid on the front haha
in the olden days they went by horse or foot now we go by car,train,plane and bike.
The difference between a modern day sewing machine and an olden day sewing machine is the modern day sewing machines are powered by electric and not done by hand.
in the olden days doctors used to check pulse rate by using hands but now they are using stethoscope
compare olden trains with modern trains
the answer is that olden transport did not have motors and new have
most of the times mordern day buildings are more confortable,but expensive.Due to the rate of poor people who live now.