network electronics
difference between detector and diode
A Universal is a choice of words but this chip is widely used as a timer the accuracy for long elapse time is very good so that is widely used
what is the difference between miniature circuit breaker and fuse
difference between series is one pathway through circuit,difference between parralal is more then one pathway through circuit.
There are so many things that IC555 could apply to that this question almost makes no sense. However, the most likely answer is that IC555 refers to the NE555 / LM555 integrated circuit timer chip. This very popular chip can, with about five external components, easily be used to make square waves anywhere from a megahertz down to less than a hertz. A slight rearrangement of components will change it to an single pulse generator. And it runs on any clean DC voltage from about 5 to about 18 volts.
NE555 is made by SigNetIcs which is Signal Network Electronicshence NE is Network Electronics
The 555 is a timer integrated circuit. The 741 is an operational amplifier (op amp) integrated circuit. Both are some of the most popular 8 pin integrated circuits ever produced.
network electronics
The 555 has 8 pins...GroundTriggerOutputResetControlThresholdDischargeVcc
Originally designed as a timer it has dozens of possible uses:timerflipfloppulse width modulatorpulse position modulatoretc.
it is astable operation to produce clock pulses for the counter
difference between as on and as at
Change as time from low to high voltage and opposite
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