Master is upgraded.
masters is multiple masters and master's is possession:"that's the master's magic wand."
The difference between the Game Gear and Master System is the fact that the Game Gear runs off batteries and the Master System contains a central processing unit.
station master minds the train teacher trains the mind
The difference is between Master Slide and apply a master slide layout to a slide, the font face style in the normal slide.
the master of arts reads Marathi and English in proper way grammatically and the master of science can not.
masters is more advanced
House Bill of Lading is one which is given by Liner(container incharge) regarding shipments inside the container(shipment list). Master Bill of Lading is one which is given by the vessel owner(ship incharge) regarding container inside the vessel(container list).
Difference between Bachelor Degree & Master Degree 1. Bachelor Degree is Undergraduate program and Master Degree is Postgraduate program. 2. Bachelor Degree is for 3 years and Master Degree is for 2 years 3. You can do Master Degree without passing the Bachelor Degree program.
From merchandising point of view what features of master L/C
Master plan has to do with arrangements of built environment or cities should be developed. While structural plan is a framework which guide the development or redevelopment of an area by defining the future development.