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Nothing, absolutely nothing. Some schools of thought say that Swahili refers to the culture and the language whereas Kiswahili refers to strictly the language.

IN ADDITION: Kiswahili is the Swahili word for language, and Swahili is the form used in English and many other languages. But they mean the same thing: the language spoken by the Swahili people (and by millions of others,, too).

In Swahili, a Swahili person is Mswahili (pl., Waswahili), and the Swahili culture is utamaduni wa kiswahili, referring to the coastal people along the Indian ocean in East Africa and the nearby islands.

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10mo ago

There is no difference between KiSwahili and Swahili. "Swahili" is the name of the language, and "KiSwahili" is the prefix "Ki-" used in Bantu languages to indicate a language, so they refer to the same language, which is spoken in East Africa.

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