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GHz is a frequency used in radio frequency and computer proccessor speed. It has a frequency of 109. GB is short for Gigabyte. It is equal to approximately 10243 or equal to approximately 1024 megabytes.

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9mo ago

GHz refers to gigahertz, which measures the speed of a processor in cycles per second. GB, on the other hand, stands for gigabyte and measures the storage capacity of a device. In simple terms, GHz measures speed, while GB measures storage capacity.

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The difference between mhz and ghz?

Same as Megabytes and Gigabytes. 1000 Megahertz in 1 Gigahertz

How many GB are in a ghz?

Well, gb is a size and gHz is a speed. So, there are zero gb in a gHz.

1.83 ghz is how many GB?

GHz is your processor speed. GB has nothing to do with your GHz, it's just a size of space.

What is more a GB or a ghz?

A gb and a ghz are completely different things. A gb is a measure of the memory of a computer and ghz is a measure of frequency and is used to measure your procesor's clock speed.

How come the iPhone has GB and the other phones have GHZ?

GB means GigaBytes (I Believe its 1 Billion Bytes) which is amount of data its able to store and GHZ (GigaHertz) is processor power, they both have GB and GHZ, they just mean different things about them.

What does MB GB Ghz mean?

MB is Mega Byte GB is Giga Byte and Ghz is Giga hurtz. (and for all I know is that MB is the smallest and Ghz is the biggest. and correct me if my spelling is wrong sorry) ^++++++++++^

What is better to have more GHZ or GB?

GHZ is a measure of the processing speed and is therefore not upgradable, whereas GB is a measure of memory and can be easily upgraded.

How many GHz in 4 GB?


How many GB in ghz?

Giga-byte (GB) is a unit of memory size while Giga-Hertz (GHz) is a measure of frequency, there is no conversion factor.

What is the difference between mb to gb?

there is no difference, they are the same.

What is the difference between 4.2ghz and 6.0 ghz?

1.8 ghz

Is there a difference between Xbox 360 20GB and the Xbox 360 60 GB?

Is there a difference between the Xbox360, 20GB and the Xbox360, 60 GB besides the 40 GB ?