{| ! Acronym ! Definition | FYSA Florida Youth Soccer Association FYSA Franklin Youth Soccer Association (Franklin, MA) FYSA For Your Situational Awareness FYSA Frederick Youth Sports Association (Maryland) |}
"FYI" stands for "for your information. For example: "FYI, I already sent the letter."
It's just a fyi because an is used when the first letter is a vowel.
FYI -For Your Information
FYI Daily was created in 2011.
It means for your information
The duration of FYI Daily is 60.0 seconds.
difference between as on and as at
'FYI and A' means means 'for your information and Action'.
The symbol in text messaging for "between you and me" is often represented as "FYI" or "BTW" to indicate the information is being shared confidentially between the two parties.
The acronym, FYI means For Your Information. Hope this helps!