On Diwali-this indicates festival Diwali. At Diwali-It might indicates Diwali is some Place.
The Mahabharat is the story of war between "kauravs" and "Pandavas". No their is no connection between Mahabharat and Diwali .
If you can say Christmas is Christian Diwali then it is perfectly fine to say that Diwali is Hindu Christmas :)
Diwali and Christmas are festivals. They are celebrated by people with great zeal.
1. At Christmas, people put lights up as we do at Diwali. 2. People give presents in both of these celebrations. 3. At Christmas people worship Jesus and at Diwali people worship and pray for Lakshmi.
Diwali is a good kind of religen for Inden people insted of christmas.
Yea, Diwali is a holiday as per Negotiable Instruments Act in India.
The Difference Between The Hindu Ramayana and Diwali The difference between Ramayana and Diwali is that Diwali is a Hindu celebration and Ramayana is one of the great epics of India. I hope that you now know what the difference between the Hindu Ramayana and Diwali is.
They are both celebrated by 2 different religions. Christmas is celebrating Jesus's birth Diwali is the festival of light. The festival Diwali celebrates the victory of good over evil, light over darkness and knowledge over ignorance.
Diwali, Kwanzaa, Christmas, and Hanukkah.
the similarities are that in both festival candels and diyas are use. Diwali is celebrate by hindusms people while Christmas is celebrate by Cristian people