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Chiasmata is the plural of chiasma. They both describe the point of crossover between the maternal and paternal chromosomes.

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Q: What is the difference between Chiasma and Chiasmata?
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DURING PROPHASE I:Crossing over happens in chromosomes where genetic information is swapped from chromosome to another at a chiasma (chiasmata for multiple crossing over sections)Cell is Diploid 46 chromosomesDURING PROPHASE II:No Crossing over at this point, as it has already happened during prophase I.Cell is Haploid 23 chromosomesRead more: What_is_the_difference_between_prophase_I_and_prophase_II_of_meiosis

Chiasmata form between.?

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chiasma occurs in meiosis. Fascinating that I didn't answer this question but it's attributed to me so I guess I'll add some detail. Chiasma means crossing/intersecting and are the points where recombination occurs duting meoisis. (Crossing over does not occur in mitosis). Chiasma(singular) or chiasmata (plural) are formed during prophaseof meiosis I duing recombination and hold homologous chromosomes together at the sites where the exchanges of genetic material occur. These "connections: remain in place until until the chromosomes seperate during anaphase.

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Chiasma - The microscopically visible site where crossing over has occurred between chromatids of homologous chromosomes during prophase I of meiosis.

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It is formed during anaphase. Anaphase is the third stage. You can remember PMAT.P- ProphaseM- MetaphaseA- AnaphaseT- Telephase

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Prophase 1 vs Prophase 2 of meiosisDURING PROPHASE I:Crossing over happens in chromosomes where genetic information is swapped from chromosome to another at a chiasma (chiasmata for multiple crossing over sections)Cell is Diploid 46 chromosomesDURING PROPHASE II:No Crossing over at this point, as it has already happened during prophase I.Cell is Haploid 23 chromosomes

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Alt. of Chiasma