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Bob is a loyal people - He needs scrooges work or his family will starve. Jobs of the time were few and many were like Bobs under paid, but they were still something. The family saw how the Miserly Scrooge treated him and hated Scrooge for that

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Bob Cratchit views Scrooge as a harsh and uncaring employer, while the rest of the Cratchit family show more empathy and understanding towards Scrooge's miserly behavior. Bob's wife and children try to see the good in Scrooge and remain hopeful for his redemption.

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Q: What is the difference between Bob Cratchit's opinion of Scrooge in the rest of the Cratchit family's opinion?
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What would cause the difference between Mr. and Mrs. Cratchits' feelings about Scrooge?

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What is different between Bob and Scrooge?

Bob is typically a friendly and optimistic character, whereas Scrooge is often depicted as greedy and miserly. Bob is usually portrayed as caring and compassionate, while Scrooge is known for being cold-hearted and selfish. Their attitudes and behaviors towards others are typically contrasting, with Bob being more charitable and kind-hearted compared to Scrooge.

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What was the difference between the English release of the Alastair Sim film a Christmas carol and the American release of the same film titled scrooge?

None - Many have been made each called other SCrooge or A Christmas Carol. Its editorial licence - They are all based on the book

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Dickens never reveals Tiny Tim's age, only describing him as (of course) tiny, with tiny crutches. Reading the story, one might conclude Tiny Tim was between four and six years old.

What type of conflict is in A Christmas Carol?

The main conflict in "A Christmas Carol" is internal, as Ebenezer Scrooge battles with his own selfishness and greed, eventually leading to his transformation into a compassionate and generous person. Additionally, there is also a conflict between the wealthy elite, represented by Scrooge, and the impoverished and marginalized members of society like Bob Cratchit and Tiny Tim.

What does the sign out of the counting house say a Christmas carol?

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What was the relationship between Scrooge and Fezziwig?

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What is the Relationship Between Scrooge And Dick Wilkin?

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