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History. Anglicans derive their theology and worship practices from the Church of England, which split away from the Roman Catholic Church in 1533 by order of Henry VIII, king of England. Anglicans retained Catholic church structure (replacing the Pope with the King) and many other aspects of Catholic worship, discarding celibacy for the clergy, veneration of relics, Mariolatry and a few others.

Pentecostals derive from the loosely organized Anabaptist movement which arose at the same time as most Protestant movements. Their church organization tends to be congregational (having no formal connection between congregations), and worship focuses on ecstatic experiences such as are reported to have occured at Pentecost.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 11mo ago

Anglicanism is a tradition within Christianity that follows the teachings of the Church of England, with a strong emphasis on liturgical worship and historical faith practices. Pentecostalism is a charismatic branch of Christianity that emphasizes the gifts of the Holy Spirit, such as speaking in tongues and divine healing. Anglicans generally have more structured worship services and a focus on tradition, while Pentecostals often have more spontaneous expressions of worship and emphasize personal spiritual experiences.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

The difference is almost the same as Lutheran and pentecostal

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Q: What is the difference between Anglican and pentecostal?
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What is the difference between Anglican Church and Anglican Catholic church?

Not much difference at all. Eucharist comes from the greek word meening "thanksgiving". It is based on the events that happened at the last supper. All christian groups perform this service except salvatioists and quakers.AnswerThere is a great deal of difference. The Anglican Church worldwide is a group of churches that all uphold the ethos of the Anglican Church and which are in communion with other Anglican Churches. In this group are the Church of England, many African Churches and the Episcopalians in the USA.The Anglican church is a very diverse group of churches ranging from evangelical charismatic worship that is reminiscent of Pentecostal churches at one end of the spectrum, through to more formal, liturgical worship at the other.The Anglican Catholic Church (or 'Anglo-Catholic Church) is that small branch of the Anglican Church that celebrates its roots in Catholicism and whose worship reflects those roots. Unlike the evangelical wing of the Anglican Church, the Anglo-Catholic group places more emphasis on sacramental worship and its style of worship is much more like the Roman Church with the use of ornate riitual and liturgy, including, as an example, the use of incense.In fact, the Anglo-Catholic wing is often almost indistinguishable from the Roman Catholic Church except that it refuses to accept the authority of the pope.This diversity is one of the great strengths of the Anglican Church in that the same denomination can hold a range of traditions in union and love.