Abduction is moving a body part away from the midline. (Ex. If you stand straight up and move your arm out and away from your body it is considered Abduction). Adduction is the total opposite and it means to move toward the midline. (Bring your arm back down to your side is adduction).
What is the difference between tan number and swift bic ?
different between twist and turn
spelling :P //I GOOGLE MO :P
They both have different colors.
Abduction is when the shoulder moves away from the body, while adduction is when the shoulder moves towards the body.
Shoulder abduction is when the arm moves away from the body, while shoulder adduction is when the arm moves towards the body.
Shoulder adduction is when the arm moves towards the body, while shoulder abduction is when the arm moves away from the body.
Wrist abduction is when the wrist moves away from the body, while wrist adduction is when the wrist moves towards the body.
Abduction is the movement of a body part away from the midline of the body, while adduction is the movement of a body part towards the midline of the body.
Adduction is the movement of a body part towards the midline of the body, while abduction is the movement of a body part away from the midline of the body.
Adduction is the movement of a body part towards the midline of the body, while abduction is the movement of a body part away from the midline. In the shoulder joint, adduction brings the arm closer to the body, while abduction moves the arm away from the body.
Horizontal adduction involves moving the arm across the front of the body, towards the midline, while abduction involves moving the arm away from the body, out to the side.
Horizontal abduction refers to moving the arm away from the body in a horizontal plane, while adduction involves bringing the arm back towards the body in the same plane. In simpler terms, horizontal abduction is moving the arm out to the side, while adduction is bringing it back in towards the body.
rotation :Rotary movement around l axis of a bonecircumduction : combination of flexion,extension,abduction & adduction
The movement opposite to abduction is adduction. Adduction refers to the movement of a body part towards the midline of the body.
how do prefixes in the terms adduction and abduction explain their possible muscle action