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Q: What is the difference between ARM controller and PIC?
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What is full form of pic controller?

Picture Controller :D

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interface are inbuilt

What is the difference between pic and atmel?

basically we can't differenciate b/w pic and atmel ..pic is being manufactured by microchio ..

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atmel is more cheaper and easy to use.. the programmer is also easy to built and try...

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What is the PIC Microcontroller?

PIC Microcontroller which means Peripheral Interface Controller. PIC Microcontroller is originally developed by General Instrument's Microelectronics Division.

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Why wouldnt it

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idek bra

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What does PIC mean in technology?

Pic is a word shortend from the word picture. Or in electronics it can stand for Peripheral Interface Controller.

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Cub. tell me difference between lion and lioness with help of pic