AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) is a support group specifically for individuals who struggle with Alcoholism, providing a program for recovery based on the 12 steps. Al-Anon is a support group for family members and friends of individuals who struggle with alcoholism, offering support and guidance to cope with the impact of a loved one's addiction.
The difference between Pahoehoe lava and AA lava is that pahoehoe lava is smooth and AA lava is jagged.
The standard difference in widths is 1/8" . Therefore the difference between a AA and a medium (B) would be would 1/4".
BB is a row behind AA.
its what u think it is
There is a Al-Anon meeting near Enumclaw Friday May 29th in Port Orchard.
AA is not rational.
Size is the difference - both supply 1.5 volts
Alateen is a mutual support group for young people effected by alcoholics in their lives. It is sponsored by Alanon, which is a part of the "family" of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) organizations.
The difference between AA house insurance is that compared to other insurance providers, AA provides more coverage for one's house for the cost of such a insurance policy.
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The main difference between "Grade A" and "Grade AA" is the diameter of the air cell. "Grade AA" eggs have an air cell that measures less than 1/8 of an inch. The shells must be smooth and oval. "Grade A" eggs have air cell up to 3/16". To let it be know also that "Jumbo's" are never AA