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9mm is roughly .35 caliber, .32 caliber is slightly smaller, 3 hundredths of an inch smaller, in diameter.

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Q: What is the difference between 32 caliber and 9mm caliber?
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Difference between 32 and 38 colt police positive?

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What is the difference between 32 and 380 caliber?

about .03 inches

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The .22 caliber bullet is ABOUT .22 inches wide. A .32 bullet is about .32 inches wide. The bullet will also be heavier due to size.

Is 32 ammo the same as380 ammo?

definitely not. .32 ammunition is .32 caliber though the actual diameter of the bullet is usually between .315 and .319 inches. .380 ammunition is .355 inches in diameter (9mm) and would not fit down the barrel of a .32 caliber gun.

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What is the difference between 32 caliber and 380 handgun?

.380 is slightly larger in diamater than the .32, and in general, more powerful.

What caliber bullet does the German MP40 use?

The MP40 utilized 9mm bullets, in a 32-round stick magazine.

What is price for walther p99 32 cal pistol?

I'm not entirely sure about the .32 caliber, but the 9mm and .40cal P99QA/P99AS runs for about $740 US

Is there a difference 32 cal special ammo and regular 32 cal ammo for 32 detective special handgun revolver?

No such caliber as .32 Special. Use the caliber of ammo marked on the gun.

What is the difference between a mm and caliber bullet measurement?

They are different ways of expressing the same thing. A bullet that is 7.65mm is just that- 7.65 millimeters in diameter. Is the US, we frequently use caliber rather than millimeters- that same bullet was be a .32 caliber- or 32/100ths of an inch in diameter.

What do you mean by 32mm in a pistol?

I think you mean .32 caliber, not mm. It means that the gun fires a bullet that is about 32/100ths of an inch in diameter. A 9mm fires a bullet 9mm in diameter- or about .35 inches in diameter. A 32 mm bullet would be about the size of big (D cell) flashlight battery!