250 260 240 230
Anything from 235 to 244
The greatest common factor of the numbers 120, 180 and 240 is 60. The GCF can't be any larger than the smallest difference between the numbers, which is 60. It is easy to see that 60 is a factor of each of the numbers in the set, so it is the GCF.
15 and 16 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
Therefore, halfway between 230 hundreds and 240 hundreds is 235 hundreds.
No because the number in the middle of them is 235
About 230-240 miles.
No, if it says 230-240 .. 230 is the minimum..
170 million. (60 + 170 = 230)
The nominal voltage in the UK is 230 V and it is allowed to vary between -6% and +10%. In other words, the actualvoltage can vary between 216 V and 253 V. So there is absolutely no need for an adapter to change the voltage from 230 V to 240 V.
240-10=5x 5x=230 230/5=46 x=46