The first number is the oil viscosity when the engine is cold, and the second number is when the engine reaches its operating temperature. 10w30 is more viscous, and 10w20 is generally used for motorcycles.
NO, your Toyota 4.0 calls for 10W30 weight oil, so use that weight and nothing else.
There is no difference in viscosity. A 10w30 full synthetic is the same as a 10w30 blend.
The weight of the oil when it is cold. The 15w is a thicker oil than the 10w when it is cold.
The main difference is cold flow ability. The 5w30 will flow better when cover over the 10w30. Once operating temperature is achieved, they are virtually the same.
SAE 10w30 is better for lower temp and SAE 20w40 is the opposite better hotter temps.Thanks
10w30 10w30
My 1965 Honda 150 Benly or mini dream says on the engine below 15 c use 10w20 and above 15 use 10w30. The oil should be a straight weight. I would go to a Honda dealer since their oils actually have additives for the clutch performance.
Affirmtive. 10w30 is fine for temps of 40-80*f. Below 40*,i'd go to a 10w20 or a 5w20. 0* and below i'd use 5w10. Over 80* i'd use 20w40 or 20w50.
15w40 is thicker at all temps vs 10w30.
It can vary between 30W and 10W30. L-heads use 30W, OHVs often use 10W30.
10w30 is thicker than 5w20