A comparison between the Direct Method and the Grammar Translation Method must take into account the following points:
i. The Direct Method:
1. avoids close association between the second or foreign language and the mother tongue.
2. lays emphasis on speech.
3. follows the child's natural way of learning a language.
4. teaches the language by 'use' and not by 'rule'.
5. does not favour the teaching of formal grammar at the early stage.
ii. The Grammar Translation Method:1. maintains close association between the foreign language and the mother tongue.
2. lays emphasis on speech.
3. follows the adult's natural way of learning a language.
4. teaches the language by 'rule' and not by 'use.
5. teaches formal grammar from the very beginning.
the difference between goals and objectives
In the direct method, the cells are enumerated by determining colony-forming units on a Petri dish; in the indirect method, the cell numbers are approximated using a spectrophotometer.
Relative frequency is a method of calculating the frequency of an event. Percentage frequency is a way of presenting the frequency of an event.
Risk assessment can be simply described as the carefully examination carry out to avoid any hazard that could cause harm to the workers,management and the environment at large.But method statement details the way work process is to be completed in a safely way.
The main difference is that the way of selecting a sample Random sample purely on randomly selected sample,in random sample every objective has a an equal chance to get into sample but it may follow heterogeneous,to over come this problem we can use stratified Random Sample Here the difference is that random sample may follow heterogeneity and Stratified follows homogeneity
GTM Cars was created in 1967.
what is difference between MD and dm degree
MD is Medical Doctor and DM is Doctrate in Medicine
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DM stands for DextroMethorphan which is a cough suppressantPE stands for PhenylEphrine which is a decongestant
Eastern time zone (GTM -5:00)
what is the difference between roster method and rule method
Centimeters (cm) and decimeters (dm) are both units of length in the metric system. One decimeter is equal to 10 centimeters, so 1 dm = 10 cm. Decimeters are larger than centimeters in terms of length measurement.
Difference between Percentage of Completion method and Completed Contract method?
G=Guru {GOD} T=Teri {your} M=Mahar {Blessings}
what is difference between regular simplex method and dual simplex method