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Assimilate is to become a part of something and accomodate is to

go through the motions.

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Q: What is the difference Assimilation and accommodation?
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What is the difference between assimilation and accommodation?

Assimilation is the process of incorporating new information into existing cognitive structures, while accommodation involves adjusting existing cognitive structures to fit new information. In other words, assimilation is making new information fit existing frameworks, while accommodation is modifying existing frameworks to incorporate new information.

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Pluralism is the coexistence of different cultural or ethnic groups within a society, each maintaining its own identity and traditions. Assimilation, on the other hand, is the process by which individuals from different cultural backgrounds adopt the dominant culture of the society they are in, often leading to a loss of their original cultural identity.

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Genocide. Religious cleansing (genocide is always religious cleansing, religious cleansing isn't always genocide.) Assimilation. Integration. Accommodation. Religious federalism.

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The name Moe Lesteraß®

Difference between assimilation and true integration?

Assimilation involves conforming to the dominant culture, often at the expense of one's own cultural identity. True integration, on the other hand, entails embracing different cultures in a way that respects and values diversity while fostering understanding and cooperation among them. Integration promotes inclusivity, while assimilation can lead to cultural erasure.

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In magma mixing reaction take place between two fluids only but in assimilation reaction take place between liquid and solid

What does accommodation refer to according to Piaget?

Miss Jean Piaget has said that accommodation is a part of the adaptation process in psychology. The process of accommodation involves altering one's already existing ideas in order to form new information or experiences.

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"Integrating new information into existing theories is to refine existing theories based on new information."