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a person that is drunk or hungover- word used in the medieval period

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Q: What is the definition of ale head?
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Is ale alcohol?

Depends on what is used to make the ale. By general definition, an ale is alcoholic because it's a style of beer (there's exceptions to that as a soft drink by the name of ginger aleis non-alcoholic).

What are some popular common ale beers that are widely enjoyed by beer enthusiasts?

Some popular common ale beers widely enjoyed by beer enthusiasts include Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, Bell's Two Hearted Ale, and Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA.

Where do you find asgarnian ale in runescape?

If you go to Falador in any world (also open to free players), head to the bar in the center of town. Emily the bartender has Asgarnian ale for sale there for about 10 coins.

What is the definition of over one's head?

over one's head

What were the top three beers in eighteen hundreds?

ale ,ale and ale

How is ale made?

with ice and ale.

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What is an ale-conner?

An ale-conner is an obsolete term for an ale-taster, a person appointed to taste the ale and bread in a parish or town.

What is a pate dictionary definition?

The pate is the crown of the head; can also refer to the head.

What Restaurants are out of buiness?

Steak and Ale is one of the major ones.Steak and Ale is one of the major ones.Steak and Ale is one of the major ones.Steak and Ale is one of the major ones.Steak and Ale is one of the major ones.Steak and Ale is one of the major ones.

What is the Child definition of the pope?

A kid friendly definition would be - The head of the Catholic Church.

What is the definition of head band of headphone?
