en·dow (ěn-dou') Pronunciation Key
tr.v. en·dowed, en·dow·ing, en·dows
# To provide with property, income, or a source of income. # ## To equip or supply with a talent or quality: Nature endowed you with a beautiful singing voice. ## To imagine as having a usually favorable trait or quality: endowed the family pet with human intelligence. # Obsolete To provide with a dower.
[Middle English endowen, from Anglo-Norman endouer : Old French en-, intensive pref.; see en-1 + Old French douer, to provide with a dowry (from Latin dōtāre, from dōs, dōt-, dowry; see dō- in Indo-European roots).]
what is the definition of word-processing package
The definition of the word cited is quote as evidence for or justification of an argument or statement. Another definition for the word cited is mention as an example.
The word Lululemon Athletica has a definition. The word (words) have no definition, but instead are a name of a yoga athletic gear. The word Lulemon Athletica has no definition.
Definition is a noun.
In the sentence 'Can you give a definition for that word?', YOU is the subject.
Endowing and endowment are two words with the base word "endow."
Animalization is the act of endowing something with properties similar to those of particular animals.
The definition of something describes exactly what the word is and how the word can be used. You will also see synonyms for the word and if the word is a noun or adjective when viewing the definition.
what is the definition of word-processing package
The dictionary definition of a word
a definition of a compound word is jack-ass.
The word that goes with that definition is "door."
The definition of the word cited is quote as evidence for or justification of an argument or statement. Another definition for the word cited is mention as an example.
The word Lululemon Athletica has a definition. The word (words) have no definition, but instead are a name of a yoga athletic gear. The word Lulemon Athletica has no definition.
That word has no definition in English.
The connotation of a word is its literal dictionary definition. The denotation of a word is its inferred meaning.
When a word suggests something beyond its definition it is a connotation.