With the serial number that you provided,your Winchester model 1894 rifle was made in the year 1979.
How old is the Model 94 Winchester 3030 serial 4554129?
were is the serial number at on a Winchester modal 94 3030 rifle
Your Winchester 2314645 is a 1958. bobadink3.
Your winchester model 1894 was made by winchester in 1972.
Proofhouse.com has Winchester serial numbers.
Impossible to value with only the serial number.
With the serial number that you supplied,your Winchester model 1894 rifle was made in the year 1971.
your model 1894 Winchester was made in 1909.
The serial number is outside the range of Winchester rifles. (Too high)
i dont no
Winchester Model 94 Carbine serial number 1350337 was manufactured in 1945. Bert H.