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I worked as a CPN with drug & alcohol clients...25% ofl all hospital admissions are due to alcohol.

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Q: What is the dangerous and illegal drug sold in public?
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How is pcp sold?

PCP is a powder, pill, or liquid. It is an illegal and very dangerous drug. It is not safe for human use.

What are dangerous and illegal substances that are made or sold outside the law?


What illegal drug is a bright yellow powder and is sold in small little drug baggies?

Either Heroin or Mustard Powder

Is dianabol illegal?

Yes, Dianabol is illegal within U.S. borders. but in Mexico and Japan it is easily sold over the counter drug.

What did Gatsby and Wolfshiem sell at their drug stores?

Gatsby and Wolfshiem did not sell drugs at their stores. They were involved in illegal activities such as bootlegging and gambling. Gatsby used his drug stores as a front to conceal his illegal operations.

How much is 1 pound in illegal drugs?

It depends on the drug, but 1 pound is usually a lot of one drug, and can be sold on the streets at a high price.

How does the government regulate business in the mixed economy of the us?

The Food and Drug Administration must approve a new drug before it can be sold to the public.

What is an example of how the government regulates business in the United States?

The Food and Drug Administration must approve a new drug before it can be sold to the public.

Is the use of Superdrol illegal?

The oral anabolic steroid methasterone, known commercially as superdrol, is a designer drug that was sold as an over the counter dietary supplement. Currently, it classified as an illegal drug under the Controlled Substance Act in the U.S.

Which of the following is an example of how the government regulates business in the mixed economy of the US?

The Food and Drug Administration must approve a new drug before it can be sold to the public.

Is salvia sold in Georgia?

Not legally. As of 1 January 2010 House Bill 1021 was enacted that listed Salvia as a dangerous drug.

Are narcotics only illegal?

Narcotics can be illegal or legal. It depends on how it's used and if you abuse the drugs a doctor prescribed by taking more than you should. Narcotics come from Opium Poppy plants for illegal and illegal purposes: in medicine, a narcotic is a pain killing drug relieving minor or major pain. Illegally, a narcotic is a drug with sleep-inducing properties and is sold illegally.