Crack is cocaine which has been processed with baking powder into small nuggets called rocks.
Another word for crevice is crack.
Crack a joke: To make a witty or humorous comment. Crack the code: To decipher or figure out a complex puzzle or encryption. Crack down: To take strict measures or enforce laws or rules rigorously. Crack a smile: To smile slightly or briefly.
Cocaine refers to the drug in its powder form, while crack is cocaine that has been processed into a rock crystal, typically smoked. Crack is a more potent and fast-acting form of cocaine, leading to a quicker and more intense high. Additionally, crack is generally cheaper and more addictive than powder cocaine.
"Crack is whack" is a phrase used to convey that crack cocaine is dangerous and harmful. It is often used in anti-drug campaigns to discourage people from using crack cocaine due to its negative effects on health and well-being.
Crack -- to break with a sudden, sharp sound: The branch cracked under the weight of the snow. Crack -- to fail; give way: His confidence cracked under the strain. Crack -- to strike and thereby make a sharp noise: The boxer cracked his opponent on the jaw.
1. Crack is whack2. Crack is whack3. Crack is whack4. Crack is whack5. Crack is whack
You can crack a joke, crack a safe and crack a whip.
Finger my crack
Circus or ringmaster crack slow figure 8 fast figure 8 underhand crack thumb flip crack overhand crack backward crack behind the back crack under the feet crack...jump and crack it under your feet while in the air volley crack...using one or two whips
A crackalackin' crack oyster cracker cracker would crack as many crackalackin' crack oyster crackers as a crackalackin' crack oyster cracker cracker could crack, if a crack oyster cracker cracker could crack oyster crackers in a crackalackin' way.
Crack the Sky - Crack the Sky album - was created in 1975.
The Crack was created in 1979.
will crack
crack is illegal. period. you will be arrested at any age for using crack
well Crack is a street name for Crack Cocaine.
where get gish crack?