Tel # -- is for telephone.
Cel # -- is for cellular phone number.
A good business card scanner I know of is Scan2Contacts which is also Microsoft Outlook compatible.
Credit card processing companies have telephone numbers that will vary from country to country. For the best method of determining how to reach your own credit card processor, you can find the phone number on the back of your credit card.
There are no free business birthday card machines anywhere to be found. One can find free greeting card companies on the internet as many are available at no charge.
Sometimes you have to take your sim card out and put it back in. If that doesn't work,take it to your local phone store and they will fix it.
It is a card with credit on it already. So rather than using a phone and paying a fee at the end of the month, you've already paid for X amount of minutes, and the card runs out when all these are used up. They are good for children as it controls the amount of time they can use the phone for.
The contact phone number for a business credit card company in the UK is 0800 731 8919. This is the number of HSBC business credit card. One can call this number to apply for the business credit card.
The most common one is probably "work". Most people are probably smart enough to figure out the "phone" part when they see something that looks like a phone number, and if they're not, do you really want them calling you anyway?
You can apply for a secured business credit card at most of the major credit card companies like: AmericanExpress, Visa, Mastercard. You can apply for a business card by phone, or by applying online through forms on their websites.
If you have an iPhone or smartphone, business card readers can be downloaded onto your phone via Business Card Reader apps. These apps cost as low as 1.99 and allow you to scan cards and add them to your contacts in seconds.
A business card is a very important thing as it conveys basic information about an individual and his company. A business card must include person's name, designation, email id, phone number, company name, address etc.
If you are looking to design your own business cards then you will need to get some appropriate graphic design software for your computer. Then decide what you need to put on them - probably your name, business address, phone number, web site and email address. Then add your logo. Scale it to the correct size and your business card will be complete.
A business card should cotain the name, address, phone number, and e-mail address of your business. If you wish to add an advertising slogan, that's good too.Answer:A business card should contain basic information about you and your business, such as an address, phone number, email address, and your title within th company. Make sure not to cram too much information onto the card or it will look busy and unprofessional. Also make sure to choose a reputable business card printing company who can deliver great results!
what is the abbreviation for credit card charge
A business credit card can be great if you can find a card that works for you. Check out several credit card provider websites to find a plan that works for you then apply online, over the phone, or at your bank.
A business card should have all of the needed information in a small format. The name of the person, business, all pertinent phone numbers, website, and purpose should be included on the card.
Typically, the name comes first and then the degree abbreviation. For Example, John Smith Ph.D