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Because the Flying Spaghetti Monster's favourite people were the pirates, and as their population decreases, the FSM gets upset and makes the world warmer.

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Q: What is the connection between the pirate population decrease and global warming?
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Because they haven't studied or understood it properly. There is practically no connection between ozone depletion and global warming.

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I don't think there is any connection, apart from the fact that the sun's energy comes from nuclear fusion

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With global warming and its effects it will undoubtably rise. Yes with the increase of population in the world, the need for doctors is increasing

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So that more and more people can be killed on the road, and therefore decrease the population of the world and stop global warming.

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The greenhouse gases are increasing global warming.

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Global Warming

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The connection between freak weather and global warming. Freak weather has always happened by chance. However if the number of freak weather events continues to increase, it seems probable that the increase is caused by global warming.

Is there a connection of A H1N1 and global warming?

There is no direct connection between A H1N1 (swine flu) and global warming. However, climate change can impact the spread of infectious diseases by altering the habitats of disease-carrying organisms. Therefore, addressing global warming and its impact on the environment may indirectly influence the prevalence of diseases such as A H1N1.

Why earth have a global warming?

There is no such thing as "a global warming" global warming only happens to earth because human and our unruly decrease in the earths resources. HUMANS cause global warming.

Why does global warming decrease temperatures?

Global warming refers to the overall warming of the planet over time due to the increase in greenhouse gases trapping heat in the atmosphere. It is not directly related to a decrease in temperatures; rather, it leads to shifts in climate patterns, which can include more extreme weather events such as heatwaves or heavy rainfall.