direct labor
The GCF of 296 and 375 is 1. The greatest common factor can be calculated by identifying the common prime factors and multiplying them together. The prime factors of 296 are 2, 2, 2, and 37. The prime factors of 375 are 3, 5, 5, and 5. They have no prime factors in common, so they are relatively prime, which means their greatest common factor is 1. Another way to approach this is to look at the difference between 296 and 375, which is 79. The greatest common factor of two numbers cannot be larger than the difference between the two numbers and must be a factor of the difference between the numbers. Since 79 is a prime number, the greatest common factor must be either 1 or 79. Since the numbers are not divisible by 79, the greatest common factor is 1.
It is 3 that is a common prime factor to both numbers
Prime cost = direct materials + direct laborwhile conversion cost = direct labor + factory overhead( which includes indirect materials, indirect labor and other indirect costs
direct labor
There are no common factors between these values since 11 is prime and 20 is composite. Then, there are no common prime factors between these values.
Prime costs is that cost which is prime for the manufacture of units of products while conversion cost is necessary to convert raw material into finished goods.
The Prime Element was created in 1976.
Prime cost is that cost component without which no production is possible while conversion cost is that cost which required to convert raw materials into finished goods like direct labor and overhead costs.
The GCF isn't always prime.
'Relatively Prime' simply means that two numbers have no common factors except 1 between each other. For example, two prime numbers would have no common factors between them. i.e., look at 3 and 10. There are no common factors between these 2 numbers.
No, there is no common divisor between 285 and 75. Therefore, they are relatively prime.
Just 2.