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Q: What is the common age of teens to get pregnant?
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What rights do teens have when they are pregnant?

It depends on your age and the state that you live in.

What is the percentage for teens to get pregnant from sex?

One third of girls become pregnant before the age of 20

What is the average year that teens get pregnant?

16. but it is growing rapidly to the age of 12

How many people are pregnant the age of 16?

it seems that most teens around the ages of 16 & 19 get pregnant

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How many teeagers get pregnant each year?

In the US about 750,000 teens from 15-19yo get pregnant. 2/3 of all teen pregnancies occur among teens age 18-19yo.

Do more teens get pregnant then adults?

no. but many teens do get pregnant, sadly

How common is it for teens to commit crimes of vandalism?

For some teens it is very common to commit crimes of vandalism, while other teens never do. A large number of vandalism crimes are committed by teens and not by people over the age of 20.

Have there ever been pregnant teens?

lola Floco is a girl at Zebigald Junoir High. she was pregnant at the age of 14. she had the child but didn't survive the birth.

When was Heaven's Pregnant Teens created?

Heaven's Pregnant Teens was created on 2006-01-24.

How old are teens when they get pregnant?

It depends what you are asking. Teens get pregnant anytime during their teenage years. If you are asking how old they need to be to get pregnant, it is at whatever age they start having periods. That usually starts by age 12.

Is there planned parenthood for pregnant teens?

PPL is open for everyone who is pregnant but there are no clinics only for pregnant teens. I doubt there would be enough patients for that.