everyone's temps will be different. your temp should rise after ovulation and continue to rise when your period is due. usually when your period starts, your temp will drop... it will do the reverse if you are pregnant.
It's used when you take the temperature to find out when you are ovulating and means Basal Metabolic Temperature aka Basal Body Temperature (BBT).
It is possible that you are pregnant. A decrease in BBT could indicated a decrease in progesterone. You need to have enough progesterone in your system to sustain a pregnancy, so if you think you are pregnant and your BBT has dropped, you should see a doctor asap (you can increase your progesterone level with pills or injections, but you may miscarry if your temperature remains too low).
Basal Metabolic Temperature or sometimes BBT (Basal Body Temperature).
If your BBT goes back up then the dip in temperature could indicate implanation, and you cuold be pregnant. It is also possible that you have a luteal phase defect and AF is coming.
Hi, A Womans basal body temperature (BBT) is NOT a indication of pregnancy. BBT will rise slightly during ovulation, illness, due to activity or period. BBT it itself is definitely not a indication of pregnancy. Indication of pregnancy is: * Missed period. * Nauseous. * Headache *Breast tenderness *Abdominal cramping. *Increase in cervical mucus.
BMT also called Basal Metabolic Temperature or sometimes BBT (Basal Body Temperature).
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You can do online banking at BBT by enrolling in BBT online banking. Once you have enrolled, you can login to the BBT website and pay bills or check transfers online.
As of July 2014, the market cap for BB&T Corporation (BBT) is $27,173,543,605.56.
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The ticker symbol for BB&T Corporation is BBT and it is traded on the New York Stock Exchange.
Yes. The bleeding can be implantation bleeding, and there are also other 'normal' causes of light bleeding in early pregnancy - the key is that it is 'light' bleeding. Anything heavier could be a menstraul flow, which is not possible during pregnancy. Heavy bleeding during early pregnancy is not okay, and should be checked out immediately. Keep in mind, that sometimes BBT remains high for the first few days of AF, so a high BBT doesn't guarantee pregnancy. However, high BBT for 16 days or more past ovulation with no bleeding is fairly good indication of pregnancy (but still not guaranteed). For example, my luteal phase is 17 days long, and my BBT remains high until 3 days after AF, so many woman might read this 20 day elevation in BBT as pregnancy, when this happens to me naturally every month!