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4h ago

The climax of "Underground to Canada" is when Julilly and Liza attempt to escape to freedom through the underground railroad, facing numerous obstacles and dangers along the way. The tension peaks as they narrowly escape capture and finally reach safety in Canada, realizing their dream of freedom.

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Who is the leader of the Riley Plantation in underground to Canada?

The leader of the Riley Plantation in "Underground to Canada" is Master Jim. He is the ruthless overseer who controls the enslaved people on the plantation.

How far did julilly and liza travel to get to Canada in Underground to Canada?

Julilly and Liza traveled about 600 miles from their plantation in Tennessee to Canada in the book "Underground to Canada". They faced many hardships and dangers along the way as they sought freedom and a better life.

Who is julilly in underground to Canada?

Julilly is a young slave girl who escapes from a plantation in the novel "Underground to Canada" by Barbara Smucker. Along with her friend Liza, she embarks on a dangerous journey to reach freedom in Canada through the Underground Railroad. Julilly is portrayed as courageous and determined in her pursuit of liberty.

What is the conflict in 'Underground to Canada'?

The conflict in 'Underground to Canada' revolves around the main characters, Julilly and Liza, as they attempt to escape slavery in the United States and make their way to freedom in Canada. They face challenges such as evading slave catchers and navigating the dangerous journey north.

Description of Julilly from Underground to Canada?

Julilly is a young slave girl who escapes to Canada in the novel "Underground to Canada" by Barbara Smucker. She is determined, brave, and resourceful, using her intelligence and strength to navigate the dangers of the Underground Railroad in pursuit of freedom. Julilly forms strong bonds with others on her journey, showcasing resilience and courage in the face of adversity.