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Limestone is a sedimentary rock composed largely of the minerals calcite and/or aragonite, which are different crystal forms of calcium carbonate (CaCO3).

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Q: What is the chemical composition of Lithographic limestone?
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Related questions

Which two rocks have similar composition to limestone?

Calcite and aragonite have similar chemical compositions as limestone. Vaterite also has a similar composition, but is it a less common mineral.

Why can limestone have different textures?

The colours of limestones vary depending on their chemical composition. An iron content to limestone can give a tinge of iron oxide (rust) colour. The exact chemical composition will depend on the origin and geological process resulting that stone.

What two other rocks similar in chemical composition to limestone?

alkali and acid

What is the difference between fossiliferous limestone and oolitic limestone?

Fossiliferous limestone has larger fossils in the rock and is of biochemical composition where as the oolitic limestone doesn't have any fossils and has a chemical composition. The Oolitic limestone has spherical grains that resemble miniature pearls (they are called ooliths or ooids). Both do effervesce in diluted HCL(acid)

When limestone fizzes when acid is added is physical or chemical change?

chemical change

When limestone is crushed is it a physical change?

Yes, crushing limestone is a physical change. This is because the chemical composition of limestone remains unchanged during the process of crushing. The size and shape of the limestone particles may change, but the chemical makeup remains the same.

How can you extract fossils from limestone?

It depends on their size and chemical composition. Fossils closely akin to the limestone matrix in composition would need to be manually removed by use of dental tools, scrapers, or electric Dremel type tools. If the fossil has been replaced by silica, it could be removed by the application of acid to remove the limestone that surrounds it.

Is limestone a chemical rock?

Yes limestone is a chemical rock

What are the uses Chemical limestone?

What are some uses of chemical limestone

What is chemical limestone made of?

Chemical limestone can form when calcite is dissolved.

What isThe most abundant chemical Sedimentary rock?

The most common chemical sedimentary rock is limestone.

What is chemical composition of limestone?

CaCO3--Calcium carbonate--calcium, carbon, oxygen.