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Did it hurt?

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When you fell out of heaven?

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"Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears."

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Q: What is the cheesiest pick up lline?
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What is the cheesiest chat up line to say to a girl?

You have 206 bones in your body WANT one more!!!

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Which is America's cheesiest state?

Wisconsin, Home of the Cheeseheads.

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Chucky's Cheese Cheeseburgers

Does anybody have codes to dive into the cheesiest?

yes, but you have to get the cereal to find out.

Who came up with the Kraft Mac and cheese slogan Kraft Macaroni and Cheese is the cheesiest they should call it Kraft cheese and Macaroni?

Sindee Hasam

Why do I need a DSL wireless router?

The DSl wireless router tranfers information to your computer via the ethernet cord. You can only use a phone lline for dial-up.

What is America's cheesiest state?

WISCONSIN, because it produces the most cheese. Moo!

What is the name the worlds cheesiest animation technique?

It's called Flip-o-Rama.

Point is to line as lline is to?

"Plane" is probably the answer sought, but analogy questions like this are rarely entirely objective.