Marijuana is a flowering plant and does not have a brand name. The scientific name for marijuana is cannabis sativa.
Yes, Dronabinol (brand name is Marinol.) Marinol is Tetrahydracannabinol, or Marijuana.
There is no given name for the study of marijuana. Marijuana is a plant that is commonly abused as a drug. The Latin name for marijuana is cannabis while the botanical name is cannabis sativa.
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The Hindi name for marijuana is "भांग" (Bhang) or "गांजा" (Ganja).
a kind of marijuana or a street name for the drug Datura
Any name brand is okAny name brand is ok
It's a misspelling of marijuana. Or... it could be a female first name. It's a misspelling of marijuana. Or... it could be a female first name.
Disudrin is a brand name.
Nadja Brand's birth name is Nadya Brand.
the cheapest brand is airwalk in my opinain and then the most expensive brand is juciy